May 1, 2008

Stumbling Around

I think I bummed myself out with my last post, so all I have for today is a quick view into our morning here at the Casa. We all get up far to early for the amount of uninterrupted sleep some of us get. However, The Young Man and Miss T were quite chipper this morning, and as their father and I stumbled around the kitchen in search of green tea and sustenance, we had the following exchange:

Miles (on the floor with something I couldn't focus on yet, in an authoritative tone): Blah, blah, blah ... and then these are the bad Transformers.

Me: ????

The Hubby: The Decepticons?

Me: ???? (catch the theme here?)

Hubby: It took me a minute, but I pulled it out.

How could I not marry this man? Verily, he is a font of pop-culture references.

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