November 30, 2008

Requiem for a Yarn Stash

Less well-behaved yarns, originally uploaded by twitchycat.

Pardon the poor picture quality ... the cell phone can only do so much. I feel as if this was an obituary photo. This is a yarn stash drawer before the Great Moth Invasion of 2008. This drawer was the hardest hit, with some out-and-out losses. I tossed about ten balls of yarn, mostly the mixed stash stuff with no labels and of mysterious origins. Fiber content became pretty clear, though! Apparently there was a lot of wool in there.

I spent the better part of a weekend picking moth larvae out of skeins (truly as nasty as it sounds), washing as much as I could in Eucalan, and freezing what I could not wash. Everything is now hermetically sealed in plastic zip storage bags. I am suspicious about the wisdom of not allowing my precious fiber to breathe, but the moths seem to be a more immanent threat than mildew. At least it is a very dry time of year in the house, what with the forced air heat.

I suppose the best that can be said about the whole miserable experience is that I was able to re-discover my stash. I have enough yarn to keep myself happily in stitches for quite some time, and that makes the "yarn diet" less painful. Also, The Young Man, who bravely kept me company as I battled with the wee beasties, told me that he would be getting me yarn for Christmas because, "You just love yarn so much, Mom."

Good boy.

P. S. I haven't made it to the fabric drawers yet.


Donna said...

I have been trying SO hard to not buy any fabric or craft supplies at all. I'm doing pretty well, but I have had to buy yarn since I just started knitting this year :) I mourn for your loss.

KCB said...

Oh, my. I feel for you--hoping you get some excellent yarn at Christmas!

Danielle said...

Thanks for the condolences. It really was a sad weekend, but my fiber closet is such an unholy mess at this point that I don't know why it didn't happen sooner. What is it about children that simultaneously sparks a creative core and then drains all energy and time that could be devoted to fulfilling those urges? A crafting mama's paradox!