December 12, 2008

I Want to Give Judith Warner a Hug

Despite the fact that I'm really not the hugging type, and I suspect that she is not either.

From today's NYT's Opinion page, Judith Warner has written an op-ed that has me screaming in recognition. Now, I was not a huge fan of her 2005 book, although now I understand her position a bit better than I did at the time. But today's piece is such a heartrendingly accurate description of some of the mama-angst I've mentioned here, that I feel I just have to point it out.

How many times have I questioned my own mental health as I regard my children and have to catch my breath for the intensity of the moment? Is motherhood really a bit of temporary craziness? It feels out of line to be so completely involved in another human being, but if parents don't do that, who will?

Just one quote for thought, in case you are tempted not to click through and read.

Do we dream our children into being? Are they destined to inhabit the voices we imagine for them?
For the record, my answer is no to the above questions, but they are shockingly familiar.

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