January 2, 2009

Miss T, 19 mo.

Miss T, 19 mo., originally uploaded by twitchycat.

I seem to remember this stage from her brother. The developmentally appropriate colander-on-head months.

Did you know that there is actually a Flickr group devoted to pictures of colanders on heads?


KCB said...

Awesome. My boys have outgrown the "colander on head" stage and seem stuck in the "laundry hamper over head pretending to be a robot stage."

Unknown said...

Miles does that, too! I actually think of it as a subset of the "cruising for a huge bump on the head" phase.

He was surprised when I pointed out that he couldn't see and he had no way of stopping a fall.

Still, gotta love the imagination it takes to see a robot in a hamper, or a light-saber in a red plastic recorder.