January 22, 2008

Bad Diary Moment

So maybe I should back away from the heavy mommy blog stuff for a bit. That last post was a bit much, and reminded me (in a really unfortunate way) of an old diary I dug up a few weeks ago. It was from one of my many "serious" periods. I'll admit it was a painful read, and not for the raw emotion seeping through the page. I'm thinking of starting over ... new blog, new layout, etc. But for now, I'll just keep with trying to remember to write something.

On the topic of memory, I'm looking for a new agenda (you know, to effortlessly organize my life). I'll report back on what I find. I've been inspired, though, by a book I won on a recent bloggy giveaway. Absolutely Organized, by Debbie Lillard. I was fortunate enough to receive it from Metropolitan Mama, who sent it out post-haste. So far, so good. It's pretty, well-organized (ha, ha!), and not long, so it's almost perfect. The almost comes from the parenting chapter, but the author does add a caveat to do what works for you, follow your pediatrician's advice, and all that. But "free" is music to my ears, and I do appreciate it.

Oh, and the giveaway notice came from Prizey, my new addiction.

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