December 3, 2008

At Home with the Grumpy Girl

Miss T has been sick off-and-on for the past week with a mystery virus. Nothing that we're concerned about, but I can't wait for all systems to return to normal, if you know what I mean. Poor thing, she's mostly herself, but with an edge of grump. It must suck to be an eighteen-month-old and incapable of meeting your daily mayhem quotient. I've promised not to turn her in to the local Guild of Toddlers, but I think that she's trying to make up for the lack of quantity with quality. Really, it's not at all necessary.

However, in her convalescence she has discovered a new way to torture the dogs. She scatters cheerios on the floor, and then shrieks in indignation as the dogs dive for the goodies. And then she comes to find me, complaining bitterly about the "da da da da das" all the way. She demands retribution, the dogs suffer silently, hoping for justice ... and so goes the day.

Maybe I ought to rethink my desire to stay at home. Apparently it's not all tea and roses.

Here's a Thanksgiving pic, just to add a little cuteness. This is one of my aunts, who with infinite patience was playing the "put it in, dump it out, put it back in game" with the Missy.

Hope you had a lovely holiday.

1 comment:

KCB said...

Thank goodness for patient aunties! Hope your wee one is back to her normal mayhem routine soon.